Lab Members
Associate Investigators
Huanhuan Li
Huanhuan joined our lab in March 2021 after working as a postdoctoral researcher at FMI (Switzerland) for three years. Huanhuan has a background in Molecular and Cellular Biology and received her PhD from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. To learn about Huanhuan's work click here.
Post-docs/Assistant Investigators
Chuanxin Chen
Chuanxin joined us in January 2021 from Purdue University (USA) where he was a post-doc. Chuanxin has a background in Chemical Engineering and Technology from Zhejiang University. To find out about Chuanxin's work click here.
Haiyong Zhao
Haiyong joined us in January 2024. Haiyong is a developmental biologist with training and research experience from Sichuan University, Peking Union Medical College, CAS, Tsinghua University and Washington University (USA).
Lab Manager/Personal Assistant
Xudan Peng
Xudan joined our lab in September 2022.
Research Assistants
Haiping Luo
Haiping joined our laboratory in November 2023. Haiping completed her Masters degree at South China University of Technology.
Shaoqiang Ning
Shaoqiang joined our lab in July 2023. Shaoqiang did his Masters studies at Southern Medical University
Xinggu Wang
Xinggu joined our Lab in November 2022. Xinggu did her Masters at Imperial College
Kaiyi Wu
Kaiyi joined our lab in March 2024. Kaiyi did her BSc at Southeast University (bioinformatics) and her Masters at Imperial College (Genes, Medicines and Stem Cells).
PhD students
(The Guangzhou Lab has protocols with Universities across China, and in our lab PhD students are affiliated with Double First Class Universities such as Sun Yat-sen)
Jiahui Huang
Jiahui joined our Lab in July 2022, initially as Research Assistant. Jiahui did her BSc at South China Normal University (Biotechnology) and Masters at Sun Yat-Sen University (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology).
Wei Guan
Wei joined our lab in July 2022, originally as a Research Assistant/Computational Biologist. Wei holds a bachelor's degree in biomedical engineering from Jinan University and a master's degree in computational/developmental biology from Jinan/Ruhr University Bochum in Germany.
Litao Chang
Litao joined our lab in October 2021, originally as a Research Assistant. Litao earned a bachelor's degree in pharmacy from Jinan University and a master's degree in pharmacy from the National University of Singapore.
Jinyi Wu
Jinyi joined our lab in September 2021, starting as a Research Assistant/Computational Biologist. Jinyi earned her bachelor's degree in science and technology from Wuhan University and her master's degree in data science from Imperial College.
Former Lab Members
Senior Post-doc
Yael Costa
Yael studied Nanog mediated mechanisms (2009-2022). Yael was funded by her own BBSRC project grant. To see Yael's work click here.
Mingyue Guo
Mingyue was a postdoc in our lab for 2 years (2021-20203). In 2023 Mingyue moved to West Lake University. To view Mingyue's work click here.
Chibeza Agley
Chibeza was a member of both the Silva and the Chalut labs between October 2013 and June 2017. In July 2017 he started full time in the company he had previously founded, CamBioScience. To learn more about Chibeza click here.
PhD Students
Lawrence Bates
Lawrence was a MRC funded PhD student. In 2022 Lawrence joined Professor Nichols's lab at the MRC Human Genetics Unit, University of Edinburgh as postdoctoral researcher. To view Lawrence's work click here.
Sergey Gladkov (Siarhei Hladkou)
Sergey was a Darwin Trust of Edinburgh funded PhD student (2019). Sergey moved to Sweden to become a postdoctoral researcher at Lund University.
Elsa Sousa
Elsa was a PhD student enrolled in the Graduate Program in the Areas of Basic and Applied Biology (GABBA) from the University of Porto, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal). In 2019 Elsa started a career in industry. To view Elsa's work click here.
Hannah Stuart
Hannah was a MRC funded PhD student. Hannah was awarded the prestigious Marie Curie and Sir Henry Wellcome postdoctoral fellowships (2019) when moving to Professors Elly Tanaka's lab and Nicola Elvassore's lab (joint post-doc) at the Institute of Molecular Pathology (Vienna/Austria) and at University College London respectively. To view Hannah's work click here.
Kathryn Tremble
Katie was a Clinical School PhD program student. After PhD (2017) Katie went back to Medical School to complete her medical degree. To see Katies's work click here.
Aliaksandra Radzisheuskaya
Alex was a Darwin Trust of Edinburgh funded PhD student. Alex was awarded the prestigious EMBO and Marie Curie Post-Doctoral Fellowships when moving to Prof Kristian Helin’s lab at the Sloan Kettering Institute (USA) in 2014. Alex is now a principal Investigator at the Institute of Cancer Research in London. To see Alex's work click here.
Moyra Lawrence
Moyra was a Wellcome Trust-Stem Cell PhD Programme student. She moved to Dr Robert Schneider's laboratory in Strasbourg as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in 2014. To view Moyra's work click here.
Rodrigo Santos
Rodrigo was a PhD student enrolled in the PhD program in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine (PDBEB) from the University of Coimbra, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal). In 2014 Rodrigo started a career in Industry. To learn more about Rodrigo click here.
Anouk van Oosten
Anouk was a BBSRC funded PhD student. Anouk moved (2012) to the Netherlands to become a Clinical Research Associate. To view Anouk's work click here.
Thorold Theunissen
Thor was a Wellcome Trust-Stem Cell PhD Programme student. Thor was awarded the prestigious Sir Henry Wellcome postdoctoral fellowship (2012) when moving to Professor Rudolf Jaenisch lab at the Whitehead Institute, MIT, US. Thor is now a Principal Investigator at Washington University, US. To view Thor's work click here.
Ornella Barrandon
Ornella was a PhD student in the Silva Lab, co-supervised with Professor Austin Smith. In 2011 Ornella moved to Professor Douglas Melton lab, Harvard, USA for post-doc work. To see Ornella's work click here.
Master's Students
Aaron Sandoval
Aaron was a Marshall Scholarship Master's student. To view Aaron's work click here.
Tim Lohoff
Tim was an Erasmus funded Master's student. In 2016 Tim joined the Wellcome Trust - Stem Cell PhD Programme. To view Tim's work click here.
Mariana Alves
Mariana was an Erasmus funded Master's student. In 2017 Mariana joined Dr. Justin Crocker's lab at the EMBL in Heidelberg as a PhD student. To view Mariana's work click here.
Research Assistants
Kexin Wang
Kexin was a research assistant in our Lab (2022-2023). She moved in 2023 to Hangzhou to start a new position at West Lake University.
Imogen Stockwell
Imogen was a Research Assistant working with Yael and Lawrence (2019-2020). In October 2020 Imogen started MPhil studies in Biological Science at the Physiology, Development and Neuroscience department at the University of Cambridge.
Daniel Yamamoto
Daniel was a Research Assistant working with Lawrence (2019-2020). In 2020 he joined the Wellcome Trust-Stem Cell PhD Programme at the University of Cambridge.
Charlotte Handford
Charlotte was a Research Assistant working with Yael (2014-2017). After three years she joined the lab of Prof Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz to undertake PhD studies. To view Charlotte's work click here.
Other Research Assistants (less than 6 months)
TY So (2014) Hongkonger
Yuanshen Zhao (2023) Chinese
Lab Managers/Personal Assistants
Tan Xiao October 2020- December 2021 Chinese
Huang Li April 2022-July 2022 Chinese
Stem Cell - Wellcome Trust PhD Rotation Students
Andrew Malcom October-December 2017 Scottish
Sarah Förster April-June 2014 German
Loukia Yiangou January-March 2014 Cypriot
Anna Osnato October-December 2013 Italian
Elena Itskovich January-March 2013 Israeli
Moritz Matthey October-December 2012 German
Anzy Miller April-June 2012 English
Vicki Moignard April-June 2011 English
Moyra Lawrence January-March 2011 Irish
Ana Leal October-December 2010 Mexican
Robert Fordham October-December 2009 English
Thorold Theunissen April-June 2008 Dutch
Undergraduate Students
Xiner He July-August 2019 Chinese
Adam Boxall January-March 2019 English
Imogen Stockwell June-July 2018 Australian
Anastasiya Malyshava May-July 2018 Belarusian
Bryce Lim January-March 2018 Singaporean
Carolyn Rodgers January-March 2017 English
Katsiaryna Maskalenka June-July 2016 Belarusian
Aran Shaunak June-July 2015 English
Joachim Hanna January-March 2016 Swiss
Petros Fessas January-March 2016 Greek
Rebecca Lloyd January-March 2015 English
Alicia Caunter January-March 2015 English
Saeed Kayhanian July-August 2014 Welsh
Mariana Alves July-August 2014 Portuguese
Jia Yi Fong January-March 2014 Singaporean
James Patterson January-March 2013 English
Hannah Stuart January-March 2012 English
The background image features an "Astrolábio náutico" a tool that helped connecting all people and all continents for the first time, giving origin to the global world we live in today.
Copyright 2013 Silva Lab. Website created by Yael Costa. Web Template designed by Wix.com, Inc. Webpage last updated on 13th of January 2024.
Lab Members
Assoc Inv

PDs/Assit Inv


Lab Manager





PhD students




Lab Members
senior post-doc

Former post-docs



Former MScs



Former RAs


